teens habit of drugs,liquor and other unsafe substances.
'Did you know?' campaign gets dad and mom, kids talking about drug abuse prevention
OCEAN Town — A marketing campaign aimed at stopping drug abuse and promoting a healthier life-style will kick off with a billboard unveiling midday Monday, Sept. 29 on the south facet of the 34th Avenue Bridge in Marmora. The campaign is called “Did You Know,” and …
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Prescription drug abuse component of 'secret daily life' of teenagers
When teenagers want to get high, many don't even have to go away house. All it requires is a go to to their mothers and fathers' medication cabinet. Prescription drug abuse — huge difficulty amongst grown ups — is also spreading in schools. Little ones are secretly reaching for painkillers …
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i dont like any soft or other drugs.. but siriusly ppl, did anyone who use
hasis or marijuana, hurt anynofy allse? no.. its a fact.. but with legal
allcohool many die or kill or hurt others.. whar the….. happen to
Life is hard and so the existance…We humans face lots of hardship in our
life.That is the reality we have to face…But still we can’t escape with
using drugs and stuff like that.I saw lots of people addicted to drug.I
felt really sad for them.Cause they had reasons.And most of them sounded
logical to me.I understood that.
What we should do is aknowledge the life and prevent ourselves and people
close to us to the drugs …
I smoke so much weed and i still get good grades i know how to react in
diferent situations but im just high .
this looks like the losers parade…..let’s experiment with something that
could lead to death……what’s wrong with people…..do you put your hand
over a naked flame to see if you will get burned?….why can they just give
the crap the dealers are selling back to them….get them hooked and watch
them die?
Ain’t nothin wrong with smoking weed, God put weed here for me and you.
All these uneducated creatures, all drugs are plants wether extracted into
pill form or liquid syrup or smoked as crystal ,intent as well as
relationship with the herbs and knowledge of the intoxicant that is being
put in the body is well advised
God also made dirt, He didnt mean for you to snort it. (Weed for life guy).
Addiction is a physical, mental and spiritual disease not a habit or the
absence of will power. While physically, broken bones and damaged livers
can be healed with medical intervention, the physiological dependence,
emotional voids and mental distress can only be relieved by stopping the
intake of drugs /alcohol.
Struggling with drug abuse? Call us at 1-855-864-2741 and seek help.
this is reason why parents should not spoil their kids so that they will
not make the wrong choices the generation is going to be bad if care is not
taken this should be a lesson to younger generation
Please have in Mind that this video was produced by and for scientology
members!. I am not joking my ex best friends mam got me this and she was a
scientology member. She also told me that scientology knew what I was going
through. I had to sit down and watch the full video for an hour
What about dmt
Stop making crapy comments. All you inconsiderate in mature people need to
stop and think of all the people that have been down a bad road and down a
road that has caused them their lives. You people need to think of all the
people that this video could have helped. So children do we need to go over
the golden rule “Treat others the way you want to be treated” So just shut
up and think of someone other than yourselves. For the people who need help
and people who need help stoping. Great video
Want to help other Teens facing Addiction? Go to SLAMNYC.org now, donate,
help start a fundraiser, sign in and we will keep you updated on the latest
at SLAM.
This us great. I can’t believe some if the comments I’m reading. I wish I
would of seen this before going down the road I went on. Once you try
pills/heroin it’s a feeling that you always want. Its the most intense high
in the world but followed by an intense low. Don’t be curious. You will
never find a user that us happy they picked up.
how about you?
oh yea all this is indeed very “true”. 70% of the factual information is
incorrect. And the rest is just pure dramatisation and demonising.
Tru! Aggreing with ewerything you are saying! But I feel people must have
the right to use the drug that they enjoy the most and that they feel
comfortable with, personally I HATE alcohol and i HATE tobacco (used to
smoke and it was one om my worst experiance i have ewer felt when i quit!).
I think its stupid that two of the most dangerous drugs are legal, its like
“forcing” people to use them, otherwise you are a Criminal. Thats what I
think is stupid.
people are dumb, i mean did they not see the video. why would you guys say
that marijuana is not bad, and not kill you..pleasee it can cause so much
harm in your body,get you in the streets, and kill you, and make you
suffer. have you ever heard of a person saying aww poor bug it broke a leg
and its all suffering, and then the person kills it to get it out of its
sufferment well thats the same with us! . comen sense people. you have a
brain use it!
There is not enough information about drugs availible apart from those that
teach you that every single drug is the one that will dig your grave the
moment you take it. People please stop eating food! You will get addicted
to food then get obese and die from cardiac arrest! Stop drinking water
because you will overdose on it and die! See where I’m going?
This is amazing for a documentary
like if you’re here for school related work
If weed was available, then people wouldn’t turn to nasty stuff like speed
or heroin and even GLUE!
Ja det är klart, men det finns inga bevis att cannabis skadar hjärnan. Den
som en gång gjordes och folk Fortfarande går på är testet på apor för Många
år sedan. Nu har det kommit ut att de kvävde aporna med ren cannabis rök,
inte att de dog utav själva THC’t. Sedan ska jag göra mig klar med att jag
Inte vill att barn ska röka. Vi ska göra det lagligt så vi kan kontrollera
marknaden! Och att de som får ett problem ska kunna söka hjälp utan att
vara rädda att de kommer få sparken ifall de gör det.