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Registration now open for eight-week fitness classes at St. Lawrence University
The class is described as a fat-blasting, ab-defining cardio workout that is a mix of cardio kickboxing and simple dance moves set to heart pounding dance music. Turbokick is for all fitness levels, as every move can be modified, officials said. Bring …
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Step into a Zumba class
Tucker has been teaching aerobics classes for almost 17 years and has been teaching Zumba for two years. When I asked Tucker what sparked his interest in Zumba he explained, "It was the latest craze and fitness trend that was out as far as cardio …
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Want another set of hands up series?
If so like my comment!
Muy buenas las mezclas!!!Very good, thanks!!!
nice :)
Nice, cool, awesome, super… HandsUp!!! Thanks for sharing.
Secret success =>Slow and steady and no to despair…. merci DJ South of
love this very much, thank you.
musica para descargar
Nice :)
What BPM is it?
you are the best for my job!! from italy fitness-girl!!
This is the first step workout we’ve done – let us know if you want to see
more like it! Remember – if you don’t have an aerobic step you can modify
slightly and use stairs or a sturdy bench.
perfect for my step ups workout
I enjoyed it and it was definitely challenging. 15 minutes would be ideal.
Suggestion-the 3 leg quick pump was awkward and it doesn’t have to be if
slowed down just a tad. I have also been told to place your feet on the
step very quietly (when stepping with one foot).
K so I’ll be honest.. I don’t do much HIIT style workouts cause I always
think I will suck at them and normally I do more aerobic style step
workouts with fancy routines etc etc.. Gave this one a shot and what a
workout! Heart rate peaked at 185 and I burned 330 calories repeating it
twice! A new fave.. Maybe I’ll try some other HIIT’s now..
Thanks, I loved this, something different than the norm. Wasn’t too
difficult with a few suitable modifications. PLEASE DO MORE LIKE THIS FB! I
would love a “full length” 30 minute.
Amazing! Didn’t feel like making my own workout today and I stumbled upon
this! I did this video twice and about 10 minutes of my own stuff and
burned around about 392 calories, according to my HR monitor. I will
definitely be checking out more videos from y’all now! oh and the 3 step
part was my favorite! it was a great workout!
more workout like this
Pleaseee :-)))
Can you please do more step workouts? Thanks for this one. It’s amazing!
I love this workout! I would love to see one 30 min step video! Great work
Did you guys make any other step workouts? Really like this one. :)
I would love a total body 45 _ 60 minute workout with all the best moves .
I added this after finishing a step aerobics workout. It was a great
Can you please do a 30-45 min step aerobic workout
Great vid. Will do this! Thank you
Please make another step workout a half hour one thats a bit more intense.
I really enjoyed this. I love your workouts! Could you do one where you do
an entire routine…maybe a 30 minute workout??? Not just intervals but
steps too??? Thanks!
Wanted to start stepping again. It was perfect!! Sweating and heart rate
I loved it! I have always wondered why step went away. It is a great
cardio and lower body toning workout. I say yes…keep it coming…time
makes no difference just another one please.
I Loved it. I have just done this exercise and feel great and really it
made me sweat uh!!
thank you
ps. my mom wrote the one about stepping again. haha
I really liked this workout and would like to see a longer one!
Heyya Just wondered if this video helped with losing fat around the tummy
please get back to me soon love this video
Yes!!! loved this please do more. longer abt 30 minutes would be great.
Good job.!!!
I hate cardio workouts, but this one is my fav workout ever
I am
repeating this 3 times as cardio part of my (almost :P) daily routine.
Thanks fitness blender <3