Many thanks to Cancer Study United kingdom! Back links to Find out More and Sources are under. stick to me: What is…
Movie Score: four / five Young adults and young grown ups should not cease enjoying their youth just simply because they have most cancers. In an fascinating and historic par…
Most cancers
Scorpion venom sales opportunities neighborhood medical doctors to cancer breakthrough
Seattle — Seattle-based mostly Blaze Bioscience recently crossed an essential milestone when it got the go in advance to get started clinical trials on people for its tumor paint. The Food and drug administration gave its blessing to inject 21 brain cancer clients with the most cancers detecting …
Read through much more on KOMO News
Sheryl Crow and Melissa Etheridge Talk Breast Most cancers, Sexual intercourse Following fifty
Etheridge, 53, has been cancer-totally free for about a ten years after understanding of her own diagnosis in 2003. And like Crow, her private existence has been a topic of fascination: She broke up with longtime companion Tammy Lynn Michaels in 2010 and fought for …
Read through a lot more on Men and women Journal
Increasing skirt size linked to breast cancer danger
The research, which looked at much more than 92,000 girls postmenopausal girls above age fifty, located that heading up a skirt size above a period of time of 10 a long time following age twenty five was linked with a 33 % boost in the chance of breast cancer following menopause. Going up two …
Read through more on Fox News
Try a raw vegan diet for Cancer. “I was diagnosed 6 years ago with stage 4
breast cancer and rejected all doctor treatment. I became a raw vegan. No
chemo or radiation. They told me that I would have 4 months maximum to live
but with surgery and chemotherapy I would be able to live for a year. I
went back a year and a half later and the cancer was gone. I even felt
great trying to heal it, no fatigue or pain or weakness or hair falling out
or throwing up and all the other symptoms of putting poison(chemo) into the
body.” The cancer industry is so fake but remember, a cure is just around
the corner, what they’ve been saying forever.
To all you people saying “the drug companies are lying they have found a
cure they just want to make money off you” thats complete utter bullshit. I
myself have fought cancer twice and am now in remission 100% cancer free.
Here in New Zealand WE DONT PAY for our chemotherapy, the government
supply’s it, so how can you say they are trying to make money off us. you
ignorant craps, half of you dont even know what your talking about and im
thankful that chemotherapy saved my life. If you were put in that situation
im sure you would pick the thing that could save your life. fucks sake
I have lymphoma
Vsauce you say we die for many reasons. well, if we die of “age” then we
really shouldn’t die, should we? Our cells regenerate every 7 years as you
mention in an earlier video so if we kept our bodies fit maintained them
and kept ourselves healthy then we should never die. Why is that as i
don’t have the knowledge or the equipment nor the people around me to ask
who could answer i’d like you to help me out here.
My friends little brother has leukemia
We are the cure. Support human heakth by removing what’s not needed and
inckding what is needed. Our species specific diet is like that of all
other species: simple and raw. We need the photo nutrients and hormones in
fruit and tender greens. Thats it. 80/10/10 raw vegan.
Video fails to mention that since Nixon declared the “War on Cancer” in
1971, the U.S. has spent over $200 BILLION on cancer research. YET the US
has only seen a 5% decrease in the cancer death rate (adjusting for size
and age of the population) from 1950 to 2005. That’s pretty pathetic IMO.
Eh, it sucks that good people get cancer when the scum of the earth are
walking around with 0 problems.
hahhaha the shinny material dancing is sunbeam is our dead skin awesome
thanks dude
finally got my answer
maybe in 2200 cancer will be a punishment for people who get tourcherd,
like the hot seat :D
Last night I had a dream I had cancer and the end of my dick was gone and
this guy who was a doctor (my football coach in real life) told me i has
clean up your diet, get some exercise and forget about doctors and cancer
charities – they’re businesses!
I love VSauce’s videos, but let me say one thing -
The people who ‘try’ to prevent cancer aren’t. They don’t put any money
into preventing cancer, they put it into *treating* cancer. Its all a big
money scheme.
When he showed the chart at 7:47 I paused and looked at all the cancers
Tobacco and cause and how bad it is. Make me want to quit smoking
Veganism really helps against cancer. I’m not telling you how to eat, but
at least give it a try. :3
One very out of context question, can you ever stop evolving
How much more % chance do i have for getting deseases since i have
So um.. could anyone give me an explanation here?
So basically i peed.. yes.. i did but my piss was RED. it happend only for
2 days in a row and then all back to normal. Was it something i dont know
or just some sort of Vitamin stuff?
My family just celebrated my mothers tenth year in remission
the doctors
say it isn’t likely the cancer will return
Cancer is sad…
here is why there is no cure for cancer or such long term diseases.
MONEY. do you think medical companies want to make a cure for AIDS. no.
they want people to go to them their whole lives for treatment
Did anyone even check to see if his sources were reliable or not? Well over
half of those sources are not even reliable because they’re either from
blogs, Wikipedia, forum sites, or products for sunscreen. Please, now I
know why he’s in the top 10 for YouTube…. because people are too fucking
stupid to check his fucking sources….
I’m not really a smart person, so if you can try to explain this as easily
as possible. It can be short or long.
Are cells and atoms different things? Or are one of them made of the other
one? Are they the same thing? If not, which one is the brain made out of?
Could we live without a brain?
Song at the end?
When I see people with Cancer in public, I try to give them a smile so they
know more people are there for them even if they’ve never met me. :)
Lol ugly bald piece of shit
Lol bald bitch
when I was 2 until I was seven, I had cancer
This made me tear up :(
Smoke pot
The Who will be on TV tonight performing for a teen cancer benefit!
I like what she said about nausea. I’ve never had cancer or anything THAT
life threatening (Elhamdülillah) but I have had other medical
diseases/disorders that caused and still cause me to be unbearably nauseous
24/7. When it’s THAT strong and persistent all you really can do is take
the medication they give you and by medication I don’t mean just Gravol
whether it’s the over the counter pill or IV solution. The best thing for
nausea is a drug called Zofran. Zofran, however, seems to work better via
IV than it does in pill form which is unfortunate because the average
person can’t have an IV pole in their home. Plus, the amount of time one
must wait in between doses is torturous especially if your last dose didn’t
work. A
Moreover, the way the little boy at the beginning described the feeling of
nausea was scarily accurate. It’s sad that a child so young understands
something so awful.
They seem like such good human beings and I really hope they all recover to
at least a level where they can live a high quality life, although, I
really hope they recover instead to a level where they are completely
cured. Good luck to each and every one of them.
I like how that one girl said “if the doctor says to do something you don’t
feel comfortable doing, let them know” and then the next girl goes “Be ok
with everything the doctor wants because they’re trying to help you.” xD
This is so inspirational. Keep your head always up. And please.. Don’t care
about those people who stare at you. They stare at you because you are
beautiful. You are the real fighters. Stay strong <3
this is so inspirational
They r all pretty still
They are all so beautiful & strong and amazing. God bless them, seriously.
I think that every teenage kid that is fighting with cancer should read the
fault in our stars and I really do hope that they get better every day
They are all beautiful!
Bless these children and their poor little souls. :’(
All I can say is amazing these children are so strong
I don’t have cancer but I do have chiari malformation. Being sick has been
the toughest part of my life but it is also what has made me the strongest.
Love and respect for you all.
You guys are my heros.
you are all wonderful I will pray for all of u I will ask God to help u
guys u guys are the beauty of the world u guys are awesome stay that way
and I hope u get better
God bless you guys. it doesn’t matter what you look like it matters what
type of person you are
No matter what happends u will always be pretty
How we learn is to watch the beauty of others.
so sad