Teach your abs the proper way in each and every workout here… http://athleanx.com/x/teach-abdominal muscles-on-each-rep The toes to bar ab exercise is a staple for building a strong six pack, if you truly do…
Physical exercise professionals inspire getting a seventh inning stretch
Jacque Ratliff, an American Council on Workout skilled and exercising physiologist dependent in San Diego, said remaining seated for an prolonged time period of time can also result in rounding in the shoulders that could direct to a postural deformity later in lifestyle. In …
Read more on U-T San Diego
JBSA, Metro Wellness participate in public health exercising
SAN ANTONIO – Numerous units from all locations of Joint Foundation San Antonio will take part in a public wellness workout Tuesday and Wednesday. The workout is part of annual Section of Protection and Federal Crisis Management Agency tips.
Read a lot more on KSAT San Antonio
Jeff just shot a massive shotgun at crossfitters, Lol. #teamcavalier
Whenever I hang from a bar my shoulders hurt. How can I strengthen them so
they don’t hurt.
What would be the pros and cons of using ab straps when doing that?
Seems like some crosshit bullshit to me. You should team up with Elgin on
this, Jeff.
Got 51. Going to go for 60 next try
The problem with this exercise and many more is my grip, always the palm of
i dont know what to do.
my hand hurt me, i need more callus
One crossfitter hates this video lol
First like and comment
i cant do pull up not even one but i can do pull down (machine ) very
greatly how to do pullups please guide me !!
Screw that cheating shit. They can kip my ass.
This challenge must have been made up by some crossfitters XD
20 I wanna do 30
This ain’t bashing crossfit, just those that train crossfit wrong.
Toes-to-Bar the way they’re designed to be done with that “kip” hit the hip
abductors (like the GHD sit-up) and the entire core. You shouldn’t be
swinging like Jeff illustrated, you should be controlled throughout the
entire movement.
I glad this was addressed, its very painful to watch a great move being
destroy because the lack of proper technique. Thanks for sharing!
Jeff what are your thought on battle ropes ?
Another reason why crossfit is a complete joke.
Jack LaLane was know to do these regularly. And yes for 100 reps.
Over 9000
Looks like cf challenge. ..toes to bar by any means necessary. ….smh
It seems like a lot of you keyboard heroes who’ve never tried cross fit or
even read up on it, have no idea the total goal of cross fit and the way
they triply to achieve that.
shoutout to crossfit and how terrible it is
Estou fazendo exercícios em casa para emagrecer e acompanho todos o dias as
aulas, mas infelizmente não entendendo o inglês, mais não vou desistir por
isso! obstáculos são para serem vencidos! Ótima aula!
it was amazing exercise before going to work, I felt the stress was removed
n ready to go to work. thank you so much
best tae bo i like you <3
excelente! aunque i dont know english jejeje
Buena manera de hacer cardio vascular en tu casa
love love love it <3
Thanks !! :)
I like it.
We did this in gym class. At least the first 2 min.
A Lovely workout link.
Mt bom! Melhor que zumba!!!! Adorei!!
Good workout!
Good workout, but its too short! :-/
Mi piace
10 min warm-up, 20 min workout, 10 min stretch and strange movements with
I recommend it for beginners.
the arms-maybe taichi?
Muy bueno
Muito show….like like….
is this yoga in the end?
I Iike this workout, but the counting drives me nuts.
muito bom