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New scalp 'freeze' technology allows hair to survive chemotherapy
And she figured she could always wear a prosthetic filler if she became self-conscious. But a new machine at the Royal Women's Hospital, a first for an Australian public hospital, “freezes” a woman's scalp before chemotherapy to help prevent her hair …
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The History of Banning Black Hair
It seemed, to black women, that these spaces we made for ourselves were no longer ours, and that these styles we'd created for our hair would be credited to–and celebrated–on any woman who wore them without the audacity of being black while doing so.
Read more on Styleite
Awesome video! :D
I love your hair short. Every time I watch your videos now, it makes me
want to cut mine!
can you say where the tie dye blanket is from? im in love with it!!!
She changed her name from beautybaby44z
I know people are going to bitch at me for this but I don’t care. I’m a
the correct terms are new growth/ re growth or base. Roots are
cosmetologist and roots is not a term for the hair. Just wanted to tell you
for plants. Lol. Love your videos!!:)
I’m so tempted to cut my hair shorter and make it lighter because of you,
but I’m so scared to do it!!!!
What’s her natural hair color?
Do you go to school with Ayydubs that would be so cool if you guys
collaborated :D
Fall outfit ideas!
did you get your urban outfitters shirt recently? and can someone send me
the link of the shirt too?
Lindsey, I love love love your short blonde hair!! It suits you so well :)
Where did u get the blanket
I love you Lindsey and all of your videos! :)
I love the new color and style :)
It would be great if you did a video on how to make several different
outfits with a few basic pieces! That would be really helpful for us
lazy/poor college students
Please do a minnie mouse Halloween tutorial!
I really want to cut my hair shorter but I’m scared to lol… My hair is a
little shorter than Meghan’s. I know I will probably regret cutting it if
I do :/ Love your videos Lindsey! :)
If your doing anything for halloween maybe a get ready with me for a party
or whatever or a baking video you did a candy corn one a few years ago but
maybe do like cookies or something ps I love your videos
is your hairstyle classified as long bob? not sure if she said it in the
Ahh this makes me want to cut my hair but I don’t think I ever could! I
love it on you though, it looks so cute!
Not trying to be rude but why does she straighten her hair if it’s
naturally straight
Lol. i was watching this video with my cat & every time you moved your
hands he attacked the screen. btw love the hair on you. love you <3
Can you please do a piercing video!? I really want to pierce most of my ear
but I could really use some advice on what to consider. I love your knew
hair by the way
Did she Rearrange her room? if so i love it!!
Where is her blanket from?
I really want the lorac pro palette, it has such pretty colors!
omg girl, how do you know all of my faves?!
I neeeeed the Lorac Pro Palette :(
I’m sorry if this is getting too much for you Laur. But I have a feeling
you don’t care anymore about the gifts you get at meet and greets. And if
this stirs up drama I’m sorry, but what about the seal we gave you. Murphy.
Sorry, I just needed to say this.
OMG loved it congrats for 1m
I always love watching your videos
You’re such an amazing youtuber!
Your upload game is so strong lately
IN LOVE with you and that lorac palette
Did you hear about the shooting! OMG my school was in secure school. Are
you ok? Btw can you do a diy 80′s halloween costume pls.❤️
Whaaaa im srlsy DYEING to watch the maze runner >_< I wanna see it soooo bad, and i was planning on seeing it at the cinema w/ a freind, and guess what? Its from 15 yo and im 14…-_-
Loved this video been trying to think of putting together monthly favorites
but since I don’t do much of the makeup stuff that cuts away from a lot of
the stuff people normally show in favorites. Either way. I loved this
video. You’re awesome and a true inspiration for youtubers just starting
Lauren can I request on a video on how to design a personalised logo which
Thank You so much! I Love You *-*
you had at the start of the video?
Thumbs up if you agree to this idea! :D
I feel you girl! It is so satisfying to peel it off
Fave youtuber? Laurdiy. Seriously though you make the best videos :)
The inside top part of ur eye is called the tightline
Where can I find Marc Anthony products??
OMG the maze runner is so amazing! The book series and the movie are
AWESOME! The 2nd movie comes out next year and I’m so excited I can’t deal.
Peeling the nose strip off is my favorite part!
Not relevant to this video.
BUT i met you at Buffer Festival and you were soo sweet
I love youuuuuuu, you’re one of my fave youtubers omg. Sending love from
Chicago :*
What do you film with?! Can you start adding the tech info in the bio ?!
thank you <333
I love seeing the results from the nose strips.. Haha twins!
OMG I LOVE THE MAZE RUNNER! IT’S AMAZING! I couldn’t handle how amazing it
is! I love Dylan O’Brien and Thomas Sangster<3
I like the results off the thing because I like to see the stuff that came
out of the nose and its kind of cool to say that your nose is clean is that
weird. (Girl code)