This is an excerpt taken from the DVD entitled ‘Kundalini Yoga for The Addictive Personality -Component 1′ Offered from isles/shops/A3HMKZB0TZ…
Online video Ranking: 4 / 5
New way to detox? "Gold of Pleasure" oilseed boosts liver detoxification enzymes
URBANA, Unwell. – College of Illinois scientists have identified compounds that enhance liver detoxification enzymes almost fivefold, and they've located them in a rather unlikely place—the crushed seeds remaining right after oil extraction from an oilseed crop used in …
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What an amazing video, the detox definitely worked for me
I love your video!!! I see my twin sister below Black7Jesus responded to
your DVD lol, we both are doing this for a week straight, Day 2 for us!! I
love it!
It’s really wonderful detoxification. I like it anything.
and….who is the music? So nice, thank you.
I love this video and would like to adopt in my daily life.
Oh my….
Tonight will be my first experience!
Thanks for the tutorial
Great video thanks. This cuts off before the meditation and the long time
sun song and closing sat nam.
i will start in home now..
thank you so much.
I need to be in way better shape before I can complete this
that cobra pose was scary a bit of the gorgan
Ahhhh!!! I want these DVDs, but you don’t ship to the United States. :(..I
love these DVD’s can’t get enough!
the verses used for the music are from the Guru Granth Sahib, the sikh holy
I’ve been longing for such a relief !
& when I stop looking it appears
thank you for bringing the awareness back
endless love, light, unity & lucidity
Does anyone know who the music in the deep relaxation period is by?
Love the narration in it.
Kundalini Yoga. Enjoy
for me the plank is hard at the beginning, i would prefer you would not
tell us the time, it is always the longest 30 seconds of my life! , great
class awesome teacher and the music! thank you SatNam allLove
but alot of the time i think i am probably doing things wrong, like for
instance breath of fire, i have too much heat and damp in my body and i
think sometimes the way i do bof it adds to it and makes me alot more
irritable but one time i did get an extreme relief from doing breathe of
Sometimes when I do the kriya where I lie on my back and kick my legs, I
get really pissed off and don’t do the kriya for the whole time. Any advice
on how to stop this anger from interrupting the kriya?