isles Our design, Tyne Roberts is obtainable for professio…
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IVCC giving aromatherapy course
Instructor Candice Chafee's one-working day workshop will target on the clinical and therapeutic employs of aromatherapy. Contributors can find out the pharmacological, physiological and psychological outcomes of aromatherapy. Useful software for healing …
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Need to add some more pressure. Now is just touching. Positions are good
but without pressure will not be effective to the clients like me. It will
more irritate.
Best. Accent. Ever.
Great massage! Love this channel. Also, I could listen to her read the
phone book
Clearly this lady understand massage.
Has anyone that has commented here ever tried to add #oxygen to their
#aromatherapy and #massage for a complete #wellness and #relaxation
So this is how #Aromatherapy Massage is done by a licensed #massage expert.
Awesome! #wellness #relaxation
There really isn’t much that compares to how amazing you feel after a
session like this: )
Super very good massage Techniques.Thank you.Muy Bello. Bonita Bella.Merci.
There really isn’t much that compares to how amazing you feel after a
session like this: )
Completely engrossing. Makes me want to research courses
This video is really informative. I’m learning massage therapy and your
videos give me a lot of extra help that I need to do well. Thank you! When
will you be posting your next videos? What will they be about? Hope to hear
back from you soon. Thanks again!
I’m learning Aromatheray Massage and I’ve got to say, this is one of the
Thank you. I can just refer
best videos I’ve come across on here. Other videos only show partial areas
but I like that you’ve done a complete video but broken it down into each
individual section. VERY VERY Helpful to me
back to this video when needed rather then searching through video after
video to find a demonstration on the part I’m looking for. Very good job,
cant wait to watch Hot stone video too
You’ve raised a valid point as many therapists who massage for numerous
hours on a daily basis can run into joint problems, repetitive strain,
carpal tunnel syndrome etc. When you train you are given muscle
strengthening exercises to do (many therapists will forget to do these when
they are busy) and are advised to use stress balls and other techniques to
build up strength in that area. It’s not unusual that your hands get sore,
get your fiance to give you a hand massage back in return!
can i also use volatile fragrant oils (like green tea or peppermint)?
thanks! =)
Very nice. Thanks.
do a lot of your clients fall asleep and if so, what do you do?
Do you use more pressure for aromatherapy than Swedish? I love this video
what kind of toll does working in massage take on your hands? I find that
after about 20 minutes of giving a foot/back/neck massage to my fiance that
my hands are sore and by no means do I have weak hands.
You’re so sweet! Scotland’s a great place to visit so I hope you manage a
holiday here at some point (especially when the Edinburgh Fringe Festival
is on every August). If the opportunities were there I’d love to spend some
time working in USA every year and then visit more of Europe that I haven’t
seen during my holidays. Need to win the lottery I think!
The accent on this massage makes it sexier and more relaxing to the mind
and body..
Thanks for answering so fast, it’s good to know if other Universities do
the offer he same degree insteadof risking being rejected by the one I
applied for.
Well you’re on it. It’s a good site.
Thanks! I studied in Glasgow then later at Stirling University but I hear
that UHI has a great training provision. Definitely go for the
Complementary Therapies HND if it interests you – so fulfilling a subject
area and a great asset whether you choose to then work in the industry of