Be sure to view BrooklynAndBailey’s Previous-Minute Do-it-yourself Halloween Costume Tips, and SUBSCRIBE to them!…
Yay! Longly awaited Hair Care Regimen is below! A great deal of you all inquire how I get my long hair so healthy looking and how I grew my hair so quickly.. so I desired…
Navy expands woman hair regs, includes two-strand braids
The Navy has expanded the services's hair guidelines for girls, adding two-strand twists, calming dimension rules for hair buns and opening the possibility that future woman recruits won't have to cut their hair at boot camp. In addition to adding two-strand …
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My Initial Time … Watching 'Legends Of The Drop': Hair, Glorious Hair
Legends of the Slide has everything: romance, Indians, mountains, war, scalping, horses, and bear attacks. It also serves as an extended appreciation of Brad Pitt's beautiful hair and his moody stare. But is there more beneath the surface? Edward Zwick's …
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North West's New Prime Knot & Her Best Hairdos Ever
Not only does North West have the most envied wardrobe in Hollywood, but the tiny star also has the cutest hair types At any time. Check out out her most current adorable prime knot together with her other most unforgettable hairdos! Did we anticipate something much less from Kim …
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Ahhh spooky intro!!!
I never knew you could use hairpins like that, wow! This hairstyle could
work for so many costumes!!! TFS!
Absolutely amazing!
OMG, so creepy!!! Was that Shaun?!?!?!
EEP! I’m so excited! I think this hairstyle could tie my black cat costume
together! I was thinking about teasing it, but teasing hair never goes well
I love the video and hair but to me it kinda sounded like the audio was
messed up at the begin only me ?
Love it! The intro was hilarious! But who was the zombie football player?
you could be merida from brave with this hair! i know you made a tutorial
for her hair but this would be awesome too
Wow this creeped me out
I have big coily curls
Im going to make that hairstyle!! Thanks mindy and bailey!!
Omg!! You guya are amazing sooo cool Im gonna crash the halloween party
cause I was gona go as a zombie but disnt know what to do with my hair
and…now I do!! Thanks sko much!♥♡
Juliana from Honduras ♥
thanks for the tutorial my daughter wants to be a zombie cheerleader for
my sister was trying to scary me while I was watching this then she saw the
beginning part and screamed. Never laughed so hard in my life. Thank you
for that. P.S. Love this so much
was this video particularly scratchy sounding for anyone else? I watched
some of their other videos and then went back to this one so I know its not
my computer! Love you CGH family!!!
I love how your girls look great even when they’re undead! <3
Lol love the intro to the video Bailey!
Awsome you are my inspiration and idols I love you all soooo much
PS:where do you come up with the hairstyles
that actually looks like my normal hair ._.
her twin daughters look like my junior high classmate whos very smart and
play gymnast… she is a jewish, maybe its true that there are 7 people who
look like us around the world
what if you have supper long hair my hair is over my nees and how van i do
this that pins is think to small for my hair and i have thin hair can you
help me lpease
Can you do a colab with Troyler (Tyler Oakley and Troye Sivan) please?!
Reminded me of merida and mother gothels hair
Where can I find the hair pin ?
This could also be another way to do Merida’s hair
I’m being Hermione for Halloween (the one from the books) and this is
perfect! Super nerd-costume-friendly
wut wut… first comment?!?!
my hair is super naturally curly so if I brush it, it becomes an afro! So
your hair over time just became naturally straighter???
I WANT THAT LONG HAIR OMG, but I live in Norway and have allmost nothing of
what u have :(:(
plz stop act like ur a funny girl cuz ur not _
and really not helpful video at all
So long and beautiful!!!
I’m going to start doing that and love you dancing. You look flawless
My hair probably gets lots of breakage bcoz I have to put my hair up in a
pony everyday bcoz of school:( can’t wait till secondary bcoz then I can
have it down!
Want to give me your hair
Would you ever consider cutting your hair?!? It’s so gorgeous though!
Wow, I never realised how long your hair was until you made this video!
Awesome tips Chelsea!
Lol I wash my hair like once a month (but it is more coarse and dry in
Ur beautiful !!!!!
Your hair is beautiful wish I could have it and is it okay to use mane and
tail shampoo and conditioner to help your hair grow because I don’t know if
I should buy it or not????
Chelsea you are an amazing and beautiful girl. You are so talented and your
vids or so good luv u chels!
Your skin looks flawless!
Chelsea, I have been subscribed to you since you had 400 subbs. Im so proud
that you came this far. I remember you always replied to my comments. You
have become so succesfull here on youtube. I love you, I will always
support you <3
How do I straighten my hair without heat, without straightening it every
day, when my hair like needs to be straightened otherwise it looks like I
just woke up?
I wish i had thicker hair. It would make everything easier.
Did anyone else see Chels’s twin sis in the background?!?! :o
Your hair is stunning!
YAY been waiting for this vid!
You would look soo nice with short hair aww<3
Can someone plz give me some tips?
Well my hair is about to my bottom and I wash it maybe once a week or I
miss a night then wash it
I love you chels
Thanks for the video