You can die if you have Diabetes the Canary seed will help you to reduce the amount of sugar in your body, Try it out and you will see the results in weeks. …
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MRHC to Step Out for diabetes awareness

McAlester Regional Health Center Diabetes Dietitian Kathy Durbin displays meal portions as part of a diabetes education module at MRHC on Oct. 8. Durbin is coordinating McAlester's Step Out Walk to Stop Diabetes on Nov. 15 at Mike Deak Field.
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Stem-cell success poses immunity challenge for diabetes

Each year, surgeon Jose Oberholzer frees a few people with type 1 diabetes from daily insulin injections by giving them a transplant of the insulin-secreting β-cells that the disease attacks. But it is a frustrating process. Harvested from a cadaver's …

Managing The Cost Of Your Diabetes

Diabetes is an expensive disease. Approximately 9.3% of Americans have diabetes and another 27% have pre-diabetes. In 2012, the estimated direct medical costs such as doctor's visits, hospitalizations, and medications were $ 176 BILLION. Based on these …
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