Lower Cholesterol Naturally
Dietary Changes is the Key to Lower Cholesterol Naturally
Although, it has been linked with so many health risks, cholesterol plays important roles in many biological processes including building hormones and it is a component of cell membranes of animals. But then again, when talking about cholesterol what comes to mind are the risks it poses to health. Cholesterol is a substance that is naturally produced in the body. Most of the cholesterol in the body is made in the liver. The intestines and all cells in the body also make cholesterol. This happens even without consumption of cholesterol. The amount of cholesterol naturally produced in the body is already sufficient for all bodily processes it is involved with.
Lower Cholesterol Naturally By Cutting Intake of Saturated Fat
The levels of cholesterol in the body increase if one consumes cholesterol from foods that contain cholesterol. However, saturated fat is considered as the major dietary factor for high cholesterol. Saturated fat has higher influence on the blood cholesterol level because the body could utilize saturated fat to produce cholesterol. Understanding the role that diet plays in blood cholesterol levels, helps one realize that dietary changes in necessary to lower cholesterol naturally.
By substituting saturated fat with certain fats can help lower cholesterol naturally. Olive oil which is a monosaturated fat could replace saturated fat as it helps lower cholesterol naturally. Olive oil specifically lowers the levels of LDL cholesterol, the bad cholesterol. More than helping lower cholesterol naturally, olive oil raises the level of HDL thereby creating balance between LDL and HDL. Aside from monosaturated fats, polysaturated fats such as canola oil and sunflower oil also helps lower cholesterol naturally. By replacing the saturated fats with healthy fats, one could successfully reduce cholesterol to healthy levels and evade the health consequences of high cholesterol.
Lower Cholesterol Naturally for Health Reasons
Maintaining a healthy level of blood cholesterol is important. Abnormally high levels of blood cholesterol could lead to deposition of plaques within the walls of the arteries. When this happens, the affected individuals become susceptible to heart diseases and stroke. Evidences show that high rate of deaths due to stroke and heart diseases occur in countries where there is high consumption of saturated fat. The relationship between deaths related to heart diseases and consumption of saturated fats only indicates that dietary changes are necessary to live healthy.
Heart diseases are just some of the of the health consequences of high cholesterol. People with high cholesterol are sat risks for many diseases of the cardiovascular system. In particularly, could develop atherosclerosis and suffer from a diseased system. People with high cholesterol could find that lowering cholesterol through natural methods could be the best way to achieve better health. Through natural means such as making smarter choices in the diet demand of discipline, heather choicesis is high important.
To learn how to Lower Cholesterol Naturally, visit www.vasacor.com
Amar works as a copy writer, specializes in promoting websites for highly competitive keywords like Lower Cholesterol and Cholesterol Supplement
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