Operate up a sweat and melt away excess fat and energy with this thirty-minute work out. This work out employs higher depth workout routines to get your coronary heart going, followed by reduce depth exercises to reduced your…
Movie Score: four / five
Aerobics Cardio
hey gyes. I’m turning 13 in one month. I did the whole workout without
stopping and plus I did my workout which I’m doing for 2 weeks. I have a
“sporty body”,like,I’m not very thin and “little” so doing workouts is not
hard for me. I would like to loose 5 kilos in 1 month. ((but no diet)) I
need advices, can I loose 5 kilos (or 4) if I do this workout every day,if
I wont’ eat so much sweets and if I wont eat after 7 o’clock?? :)) please
answer me :)
LOL these work outs for people who can’t work out ,check out
fitnessblender..now thats a work out.
I was going to hold off on exercising until I move out (next year) because
I’m not able to change my diet to a large extent and go after all the
healthy choices- y’know, living with siblings/mum who aren’t exactly trying
to be vegan or healthy eaters.. and although we don’t eat takeout,
microwave foods, and fast food, it still isn’t vegetables and fruit every
day and it’s still processed, but I’ve decided that it can’t hurt to work
out anyway. I’m getting that just-developing pudge.. you know, the one that
doesn’t go away as soon as you sleep it off or walk for a bit like when you
were a tad younger.. the one that you can visibly see starting to give you
those stomach rolls, and you know where it goes from there- so I’m trying
to nip it now. Anyhow, I’ve been doing this workout for about two weeks now
and it works up a sweat and all, so I hope I’m losing weight. x (long
comment >.<)
How many calories does this burn? Someone knows?
I fainted after 16 minutes.
Lol she’s always just like ‘mums this, mums that’ and I’m just laughing
cause I’m 16
This is hard.
I weigh less than 100 lbs I’m 13, 5’7 how many calories does this burn?
i’m a grandma and use it!!!! <3
I haven’t done the half of these right yet at 16th minute realized i’m
dying and turning into purple.
Great workout! Just did the whole thing!
malhe,malhe Strike When, in short Strike When Brazil on facebook
is it ok to do this twice a day?
I’m not a mom but I love this workout!!
I’m a guy and even I really liked it! No complicated dance moves, and no
over-bearing music. Thanks. Just what I needed for some aerobics on a
cold day, stuck in a hotel room!
How come blondie doesn’t do anything?
I’m going to that 2morrow ..I just saw a seek preview before I start ..I
loved the modified workout ..Hope you have more videos alongside with
Modified one to …
love it !
hie ..i wana ask you tht i m follwing uoe and my question is how i mash up
cardio +aerobics together …should i do both ..or on alternative days
I love this video. I workout to it at least 4 times a week.
Is it me or does the instructor seem a little mean? o.o
i pulled through 18 mins
I don’t like that there is not good music it is less motivating and also I
don’t like the recovery(except the marching) I think we could still burn
lost of cals doing the same thing but harder and also I would be funner in
blocks also the lady did not bring me allot of motivation
Good for dad too. The only exercise that I got into trouble is mountain
climbers. The rest are pretty easy. Not really an intense workout compare
to fitness blender’s workouts anyway thanks for the video. I am sweating
now. I like your stretching. Pretty cool. Thanks!!!
I’m not a mother, but I really enjoyed this workout. I really worked up a
Is it okay if I still do this workout?
sweat! Like a lot.
Doing this after a work shift at 10pm….keeping my commitments! Motivation
is the key to succeed :)