Plastic surgery changes mans eyes to sea green.
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is the color going to stay forever ?
Green’s ausum
Can you go from black eyes to blue ?
His eyes came out a teal-ish color, which isn’t typical in these cases. I
think they’re beautiful. Do I condone this surgery? Fuck no.
Do they change from blue to brown?
me gustan son de color del mar
actually more blue
they are not green they’re blue green
Thank god I have the genetics for blue eyes!
This is so awesome and amazing. It magnifies me how advanced technology and
the way we do things today have changed drastically. I cant wait to get
this done. I will 18 in 5 months in the next year or two you will see me on
one of these videos going from a dark brown to either an icy grey a bright
blue or a sea green. This is amazing thank you so,much for helping ppl with
change and finding their identities. Again you will see me in the next year
or two! Keep watch haha
السلام عليكم انا من السعوديه ارغب في تغير لون عيني لكن لااعرف كيف الوصول
والطريق وتكاليف العمليه ارجوكم ساعدوني
Hello I’m from Saudi Arabia I want to change the color of my eyes but I do
not know how to access and process costs
Plz help me
how much is something like this. Is it expensive. I would love to change my
eye color
OMG one time I went to universal studios in Orlando Florida and EVERYONE
had grey eyes or at least most people had grey eyes the second most common
was blue and 3rd was green like that’s all you would see grey/blue/green
eyed people lol
He looks more caucasian…all he needs is blonde hair and a nose job. Just
kidding don’t want to give him ideas.
HI dude
can you please send me some information about the cost and where you had
this surgery done ?? you look awsome well done :))
but why? i totally respect everyone’s preferences but to go for a surgery
for this reason? but if it makes someone happy and more confident I get it.
Just feels drastic …
Nicely done! I’m looking forward to having the same eye color as his new
eyes. I want to get them with the limbal ring around the iris. Sea Green is
my favorite eye color too…
Gosh… whay they always use dumb vane dumb people in this adverts? Well I
guess are the only ones who volunteer for this shit
quiero acostarme con ese tipo
Can they change eyes to pure black? Or does it only work from dark to
Omg man. This is so crazy and its extreamly different from contatcs .
Contacts look like contatcd becsuse. Thre put on the outside. But when they
put them in there 100realistic looking I love it.
Im turning 17 tuesday. And then I have a year to turn 18 this isngoing to
be my 18th birthday gift. Im going from brown to ICYGREY plus. Im african
american and filipino so I have a light skin tone. The icy grey would
compliment. My style, blond hair, skin tone, and my face extreamly and its
a color u bearly see I love
Can it improve vision by any chance, such as if you were someone who
normally needed contacts? Also, can unnatural colours & shades be selected
as options, such as orange, purple and white? I’m just curious; it’s
fascinating stuff.
Unfortunately brightoculer seems to be geared towards fair skin people
which isn’t fair they should appeal more to the darker complected people I
think they’d make more money especially if they Borden the color range.I
would love hunter green eyes or blackish purple eyes.
why do everyone wants to have blue eyes???
he forgot to do his Big Ears and get contacts for his eyes… didnt Ken
doll have Blue eyes?… lol
Pec, tricep, and bicep implants! Just go to the gym dumbass.
Where did he gets the money to do this????
Aside from the body disfigurements/possible psychological problems, he
seems like a genuinely nice person.
Im so sick of this ugly freak show..Quit calling him a ken doll….He looks
nothing like ken..Even his fake muscles look awful…This freak needs to be
in a circus.He claims this is his job now and he helps people with cosmetic
surgery by referring surgeons that will do what they want…shit I would
not take advice from him I would run opposite direction from what he
said..I would be terrified id look like him..
he looks like a badly drawn cartoon figure of ken
“are you hitting on me drew?” – nigga should have socked him the throat
when he said that
I’m Justin’s side. If you want to get surgery it’s none of anyone else’s
This stupid bitch could save a lot of money just by working out instead of
getting fake muscle implants. lazy faggot.
Why would anyone pay for “muscle” implants? Go to the goddamn gym,
Lol why are people hating, let him do what he wants, plus he seems like a
funny person to be around with hahahahahahahaa
Michelle is such a judgmental bitch! I think they should just let him do
what he wants with his body!
This is why psychology is a fucking joke. Everybody has a problem with
Fucking Americans making such a fuss over every little thing. Hate American
television for this sole reason. Not for why they have cosmetic surgery. I
only feel sorry for people who watch these shows and think their hosts are
making justified points when they know fuck all
I personally see nothing wrong with him I love the fact that he chose this
art form to work and perfect in his lifetime I love that he strives to
perfect his art and I hope he never stopped
I told you !!!!
“are you hitting on me drew?” does this guy really think he looks that
good? please tell me he was joking
He’s not Ken. Ken likes barbie. This ken likes Ben. XD
This guy huge!!!!!!
Ugly ass kid
9:03 nice butt
totally gayshyt
he looks like a faget
another Justin…
advice, don’t ever call ur kid Justin
And he’s still ugly.