ASMR Again Massage to Decrease Decrease Back Soreness & Rest – I come to feel & request the place you want the therapeutic massage – Therapeutic massage Remedy is a excellent way to Loosen up. Reduced Back, Sho…
Online video Score: 4 / 5
Therapeutic massage
i own that painting in the back
If I was your wife, I would keep an eye on you two! ;)
Nice video, Dmitri. I love the sound of skin rubs. Do you think you might
do some cupping sounds someday, à la Boris the masseur? Effleuraaaage!
Personally I don’t think scarlet is his wife.due to his little boy shown in
one of his videos, looks like he has some Asian genes in him. So I believe
his wife’s Asian. If I’m wrong, I don’t mean any disrespect :)
AT 8:55 he seems to be using his thumb and index fingers around about her
shoulders, unless I missed something. IS he doing that to burst the gas
bubbles that build under the shoulder blades???????
Totally gay.
Open your eyes.
And she’s not a “japanese”.
But he has a good technique. Professional for sure.
I wish I could get a message from Dimitri, but I live on the other side of
the planet from him :’(
This is not massage it is more touch, like a man touch touch silly and she
not relax of course….you ugly mug keep say relax relax Lol how much you
paid this model…why you don`t bring a real patient? you are narcisist?
hohoho in the 11’13 minuts you cut the video so why? cos she is not
comfortble with this horrible massage, and you burn the skin with this
frictions and no cream or oil, and you breath sound you are not relax, you
not have Physio tecnic we can see you not know not about it….stop to post
in youtube Mr Narcise…
“To get a massage, someone has to give you a massage.” That’s some
philosopher shit right there.
Tony blair and his mistress
Honestly this video has a little bit more sexuality than I would expect
from it.
I’d hit her…
look at those biceps she has. DAMN
Dude, her eyes……
awww man, why you put an awesome 24 minute video when I have to eat dinner
in 3 minutes?
If Dmitri wasn’t married he could pork all these women he massages.
lucky bastard!!!!!
I am going to put “Free Massages” sign in my window
Probably should
check the peep hole before opening the door ;)
Before knowing about ASMR, around 2008, I used to watch Lita’s
instructional massage videos in search of that relaxing and tingly
sensation… This reminded me to those days… Thanks a lot Dmitri, this
was very relaxing :)
What is that white thing near her stomach area… god damn it I NEED TO
My nigga Dimitri gotta keep it low key with his side chicks
When i grow up, i wanna be just like Dmitri
I wouldn’t go to massage where man is the massage therapist I would feel
akward and really shy so I prefer woman more =) this massage felt really
I miss the variety this channel used to offer. Massaging people + Tibetan
Bowl overkill, for me.
I’m pretty sure Scarlett is his wife cuz he has never had any other woman
shirtless before.