Phoebe’s Blog: On January 1st, 2012, when Phoebe was just 2 year old, doctors found a mass on her brain. On January 4, 2012 surgeons …
Please research the Gerson Institute Recommended Documentaries: * Healing Cancer from the inside out. Go to * Cut, poison, bu…
Canine cancer survivors save the day
Debbie Safran of Starksboro started the Chase Away 5K for canine cancer research fundraising and awareness four years ago after losing her greyhound Ellie to cancer. She also published this informational guide, with Ellie on the cover, to help owners …
I am dying of panacreatic cancer. It takes alot for me after chemo. Tired.
Phoebe struggle means inspiration. Thank you parents for sharing her story
I have just become a farther. Never thought i would love children so much
till i had one of my own. This is awful and would break me if it was my
this is sad, a kid at my school has cancer but everyone makes fun of him
calling him an alien. I almost went up to every single kid that made fun of
him to kick them in the nuts or the opposite of nuts
R.I.P Phoebe
My heart is breaking.. it shatters in millions of pieces..
She’s a fighter!! l am so sorry for your loss :’(
Rest in peace lovely angel :’(
l lost my grandma to cancer, and 5 more others :’(
l wish l had a medicine for them all for this illness :’(
God bless this angel
R.I.P beautiful angel<3
I literally just cried. RIP beautiful
this is so sad i was crying when it was time for her to go home i thought
she made it i was so happy then i read the description and burst back into
tears this is beautiful and touching this little angel is an inspiration to
me and she is what makes me go on even when times are tough
RIP little baby :’(
Me and my friend are going to prey for the little girls and boys, who have
cancer and walk in relay for life for them.
This gave me tears
Very touchy, thanks to God she had a family who knew the kindness and
faithfulness of
did she make it?, her cancer didn’t return did it? God i hope she made it
and goes on to live till she’s 100…with every day more happier than the
She is a fighter, God bless her.
I am going to kiss and smother my little girl today. Rest in peace Phoebe.
Thank you for your presence in this world.
I was hoping that she would live! Then I read the infobox and got the
devastating news.. I am so sorry for your loss..
R.I.P beautiful
i cried so much
Its amazing to see, how hard that little girl fights! Really!
I literally cried.
i was crying at the first shot of her sick… god bless you and your
familly and may you live for as long as possible.
i will walk for her in the relay for life
Thank You Jesus for Phoebe. Thank You for your healing power in her life.
I love you Phoebe!! You are my hero!!
Ok fruit batz, currently doing a video on EGGS, should we be consuming
them?Bringing you the latest scientific research and footage. It will be
late I’m sorry but stay tuned it will be worth it!
People die from cancer medicine, not the cancer.
Cancer is big business…
Cancer is a business – a cash-flow bloated goat. They aren’t going to cure
it, ever! But YOU can cure it, prevent it, or even reverse it. That is, if
you are willing to alter your daily routines a bit. Your body – just like a
swimming pool – has a natural ph level. MOST Americans have an acidic ph
level of 6 or below – due to diet. Every glass of milk, every slice of
cheese, every beer, every scoop of ice cream, every hot dog, steak or
hamburger drives your body ph level to the “acidic” level, which is 6 or
below. Cancer thrives in an acidic system – it’s that simple. If your blood
ph is acidic, you have a demonstrably increased likelihood of getting
cancer of some sort. Here’s the rub – if your blood ph is optimum
(alkalytic), which is 7 or above, cancer CANNOT survive or thrive. It will
essentially commit suicide – eating itself. How do you get an alkalytic ph
level in your blood? Simple. Put away the soda, juice, beer, and cheese.
Eat a diet that is 80-20 alkalytic – which means that – of course – you can
eat meat and drink milk… but make sure that 80% of your diet is
vegetables, water, and fresh fruits. Buy sea-salt instead of table salt
(which can be more than 30% sand and glass – causing arterial abrasions).
You need about HALF the amount of sea-salt than table-salt to obtain the
same salty flavor. Drink water, and cut lemon wedges (cheap) and put them
into the water. Lemons are one of the highest alkalytic foods on earth.
“But wait – lemons are acid.” Yes, they are – but the reaction with the
digestive system IMMEDIATELY creates an alkalytic environment. I replaced
coffee (highly acidic) in my morning routine with two glasses of water with
lemons, and about 1/2 ounce of Apple Cider Vinegar. I quarter the lemon,
and put it into a pitcher of purified water, and place it in the fridge. I
drink about a pitcher a day, and my ph levels have been optimum for months
(they were high 5′s when I started).
“success rate of 2-3%”
“blah blah blah alternative medicine”
“lose his license…go to jail.”
You want to know why you lose your license and go to jail? Because
alternative medicine doesn’t work. If it did, it would be part of current
medical practice. If alternative medicine actually worked, every single
pharmaceutical company would be tripping over themselves to market it. All
of you con-men supporting alternative care to desperate people who need
REAL help should be put in jail for continuing to dupe dying people into
giving you their hard earned money. Telling people they can eat healthy or
drink your idiotic magic potions to CURE cancer is a bold-faced lie worthy
of a jail sentence. Alternative medicine peddlers make me sick, but they
make the patients they “treat” even sicker.
That being said, people do need to eat healthy to AVOID getting cancer as
well as many other health issues. Alternative medicines can be used along
side current cancer care, but NOT in replacement of current cancer care. I
understand the plea to avoid medicine and invasive procedures. I understand
how frustrating it is not to comprehend all the methods of current medical
practice. I can even understand skepticism toward medicine because of bad
experiences with some doctors. However, I cannot stress enough that the
current medical model is the BEST out there and is continually being
assessed for imperfections and changed for the better if any are found.
Doctors do want to know more about nutrition and we will regularly admit
that we don’t always know enough about it. That is why there is currently a
push to teach better nutrition in medical school. No side of this issue is
perfect, but I believe everyone can agree that an extremist toward
alternative medicine and an extremist toward drug-based medicine are both
wrong. The answer lies somewhere in between drugs and natural healthcare;
not just one or the other.
You say this because you are healthy and have never experienced cancer or
watched someone you loved deteriorate from cancer. Oh my dear, you have a
lot to learn. Cancer is a lot more random than you’ll ever understand at
this point and targets the heathy and the sick alike. Cancer is a word
describing several hundreds of diseases not a “singular” form. You’re not
bullet proof girl, you could wake up with lymphoma tomorrow.
I can understand there may be ulterior motives to using conventional drugs
in America and there’s a lot of profit to be made by misleading people, but
how does this apply to the UK where we have the National Health Service and
patients don’t pay for their treatment?
In fact, the NHS tends to do the opposite of the US and will prescribe the
cheapest drugs and treatment available.
Cancer is big business…
Ill stick with my high fat diet.Considering cancer is fuelled by sugar.You
know, that stuff that’s in the fruit, your telling us is a cure.However, I
agree that the big pharmas are criminals
Smoking cannabis and injecting cannabis oil is killing cancer cells, and
weed is definitely not a drug, but that’s why it’s illegal.
What a bullshit video.
A retard know-nothing making false claims video.
Cancer is genetic, cancer will never be cured, but better treatments are
available every year.
This video is a conspiracy theorist video against the well documented facts.
People are fucking stupid.
What people lacking biochem education/background don’t understand is that
cancerous cells are actually your own cells. When a patient suffering from
cancer switches from a bad diet to a good diet, the diet will benefit both
the healthy and the bad (cancerous) cells, both will be “fed” by the
“healthy” diet. Not having any education in the field of medicine/biology
or missing those Bio classes taught in high school makes people think that
a good diet will fight cancer. This is wrong because those cancerous cells
are seen by your own body as “good” cells, they are perceived as your own
cells and they are not fought back. That is why the body doesn’t try to
eliminate them because the process of eliminating or destroying the
cancerous cells has nothing to do with nutrition but with the recognition
mechanisms belonging to your immune system. Your immune system “sees” the
cancerous cells as being absolutely “ok” cells living in your body and does
not destroy them. However, a healthy diet can prevent cancer to develop and
gene mutations to occur (which leads to cancer) but this is a different
story, it’s about preventing cancer not about curing it. Once you get
cancer there is a need for a different approach, those cancerous cells must
be fought and destroyed with chemicals to either eliminate them or to
prevent those genetic mutations to keep occurring, etc. There are many
people who blame the “cancer” industry. To start with…. there is no
“industry” of such sort, it’s only a term used by those who have no clue
about what is currently going on in the scientific world and about the
efforts which are made in order to try to find a cure for the various types
of cancer. The treatments which are currently available are the best the
human mind could come up with up to present and even if you try to deny it,
they have actually prolonged and saved millions of lives. Denying this
fact is a tremendous disrespect to all the survivors of cancer, their
caregivers and the health care professionals who saved their lives. On a
funnier note though….. if treating cancer were that easy and a vegan diet
could cure cancer, how come nobody is doing it on this planet? How come
there are no “investors” to build hospitals (or any other type of building,
a hotel would work fine too) in which to receive cancer patients and feed
them a vegan diet as treatment/cure? Millions of people would prefer such a
“treatment” instead of the insanely costly and painful standard treatment
that’s currently used in hospitals. If you feel the urge to contradict me think about this: why don’t you ask a few cancer patients to come to
your place and live with you for a few months, to eat only a vegan diet so
that their brain tumor starts shrinking or their breast cancer is cured?
Gather 10, 20, 30 people and cure them of cancer with a vegan diet and
that’s when you’ll prove to the entire world that a vegan diet cures
This is so sad. I actually shed a few tears. Cancer is a horrendous disease
and I wish, I just wish that people would take the time to educate
themselves outside of what is told to them by the media, general
information or mainstream practices.
So many people could have survived, still be or alive and people wouldn’t
have to suffer the loss of their loved ones ;’(
This is sillier than homeopathy. People like you are dangerous, and should
be treated as criminals that you are – prove your claims in court, or rot
in jail!
How much fact checking did you do on the animal protein-cancer link
Freelee? I read the AJCN article and the critical analysis done by Weston
and I have to agree with the Weston article. I realize they have motivation
to be bias and I myself am Vegan, but it’s hard to argue with the facts.
Could you point me in the direction of any other articles you sourced to
come to this conclusion?
Meat is filled with estrogen and all kinds of chemicals that cause cancer
it’s like smoking you gotta buy high quality meat it’s like thousands to
eat good meat not filled with estrogen or hormones.
Hi Freelee–saw your note on eggs. Lemme speak from the point of view of a
middle-aged man who grew up omnivore on a farm. I know and love many
farmers, mixed farms, dairy, beef, egg–you name it. But I have been vegan
for 7 years–veg for 7 before that. For me the question is not “Should we
be eating eggs–but WHY are we eating them.” I have not had an egg (which
used to love poached) in over 7 years–obviously along with cheese, meat,
and so on. I am 52 and look 42 and I referee soccer and run marathons and
run three businesses and keep up with my fiancé who is 18 years younger
than me. I don’t proselytise–but maybe I should. I see my own family
members with a host of obesity-related health issues, diseases and
disabilities. Why? I don’t know why. And not only am I vegan–but I am
small footprint vegan–I try (aside from the occasional avocado) to eat
only fruits and veg that grow within 1000 km of my home (Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada). It isn’t really that hard. I love your channel despite the fact
that I don’t eat bananas. Thanks for your vids.
my grama died of cancer the stuff I know about medical these days I now
say she was murdered by the system just because they want to fill there
Freelee this has to be the best video you have posted yet.
This video made me weep inside. I watched bits and pieces and it is just
not backed by scientific research at all. Please don’t be fooled by social
statistics. The ABC news story at like 15.15 is completely misleading. Let
me explain.
I go to rural china and find not many people have cancer. I conclude that
their diet is preventing it because the same women in America die of cancer
so it cannot be genetic. What I do not tell you is that life expectancy in
rural china is less than that in urban america. Why do women in rural china
not get Breast cancer? They are too busy dieing of other things before
cancer gets them. Its called observational bias and its the oldest
propaganda statistics manipulation in the book.
Here are the facts. Diet probably has some role in cancer. Eat something
different and reduce your chance of breast cancer but increase your chance
of some other cancer. Cancer is no a disease. It is thousands of them. Its
not simple. For example, despite having a good life expectancy Japanese
people rarely get bowel cancer… they eat a lot of meat… this
contradicts the rural china diet. There is no right diet. Please do some
reading up on the physiological reasons for cancer… the further you dig
the more you realise there are any number of millions of ways to get it.
Just make the right choice when you do. Get treated for goodness sakes.
I’m not trying to argue against this video, but people always say to avoid
sugar because it causes cancer cells to grow faster, so how would eating
lots of fruit cause cancer to go away? Is it just refined sugar that’s
Wonderful information, and so very true!!! Thank you!
You are aware that we are animals…made of tons of animal protein, right?
I don’t appear to be full of tumors. Furthermore…I find it disgusting
when someone suggests that you will heal your cancer with nothing but diet.
Even worse…the means to that diet is being SOLD by the person making
this claim. And the absolutely most disgusting part…….convincing
people that the treatment at the hospital is actually killing them. To the
extent that cancer patients are convinced of this, you are sentencing
innocent people to die. People like this scam artist hippie deserve to be
in prison.
wow a sun burnt girl
thank you freele again my son died from chemo and thats my motivation to be
and eat healty