Houseplant Diseases

Have you ever bought a houseplant only to bring it home and after a few days the leaves start falling off or it just dies? I have had so many plants die and for the longest time I thought that I was just bad luck to all plants. I was to the point where I wouldn’t even buy a plant unless it was fake.

My mother in law gave my a plant when me and my husband got married and I killed it so after that I was determined to figure out what I was doing wrong. After doing some reading I found out that I just didn’t know that much about houseplants.

Houseplants can get diseases or become damaged by other living things. Some things to look for are powdery substance which is caused by your plant not having enough light, brown spotting on the leaves means the plant isn’t being watered correctly, concentric shaped rings are mainly caused from fungus, Yello-hued halo spots that get bigger is from not being in the right temperature and if your leaves start to fall off your usually over watering .

Also something to look for is insects, because they can cause a lot of harm to your plant. Small green or yellow insects that cluster are aphids, if your buds aren’t opening properly or if the bud is twisted then your plant might have broad mites, powdery insects that cluster on the underside of the leaves is called mealy bugs and springtales are hopping insects that chew seedlings and lower leaves. This is just a few, there are more of the little trouble makers.

I never knew what to look for so by the time I would figure out there was something wrong It would be too late, my plant would be dead. Knowing what to look for will help you know how to bring your plant back to life.

Do you kill every plant that you touch? If you do it might not be you. It might be something that can be fixed. Check out my blog and get more information on how to take care of your plant.

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