The two hour model of this recording is now obtainable to down load on iTunes. Make sure you follow the link beneath or the a single in the video clip. Thank you for your suppo…
Online video Rating: 4 / 5
I discuss about my despair and how YouTube isn’t really precisely the job everybody thinks it is. I share some hard truths about currently being a YouTuber, how it can be a stre…
Clinically depressed 3 times much more likely to commit violent criminal offense
"One critical locating was that the large bulk of depressed individuals have been not convicted of violent crimes, and that the rates … are underneath these for schizophrenia and bipolar dysfunction, and substantially decrease than for alcohol or drug abuse," said …
Study a lot more on Reuters
Despair Drug That Performs In One particular Working day Passes Important Check
Even though thousands and thousands of folks control depression with generic medicines known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), individuals molecules tend to just take two to 6 months to begin working and are unsuccessful to support hundreds of thousands of clients. Each and every calendar year, about per cent …
Read through more on Forbes
Prime five Hidden Triggers of Depression
I feel the extensive majority of folks who have been instructed their despair is therapy resistant can advantage from doing work with an integrative physician — someone who considers all of your organic systems and organs when trying to determine the reason …
Read more on Every day Health (website)
Melancholy: Psychology Classes from Harry Potter
Given that the Dementors are meant to symbolize Major Depressive Dysfunction, let's see if we can evaluate what this disorder is, how it will come about, and how we can learn to conjure our own Patronus charms in buy to better control depression. Key Depressive …
Study much more on The Mary Sue
Thank you so much for all that you do, you help so many people. You truly
have a gift and I feel very blessed to have found your videos, they changed
my life. Single mom, three kids, working nights and I used to cry because I
was so exhausted all the time, I couldn’t sleep well during the day. Your
videos help me get off to sleep quickly and I wake up feeling refreshed and
renewed, that helps make me a better mom to my kids so thank you very, very
much. God bless you Jody!!
Jody I have had insomnia since i was an adolescent. It developed into a
nasty Serotonin Disorder and I have been miserable until I FOUND YOU!!!! I
listen to you practically overnight and wake up feeling ready to go. I
suffered and still suffer from depression amongst other things and I just
want to thank you for being a part of the best year of my life. The road to
conscious recovery through the unconscious has been a journey that I can’t
keep to myself. I recommend and share your videos all of the time… THANK
on a 1-10 scale, (10 being loudest) what volume level is optimal? thanks
Hello Jody, I enjoy listening this video. I have Major Depression Disorder,
Anxiety and Panic attacks a lot, I need something like this to help calm me
down a lot. I wish that my Family’s Members understand me about my
Depression. But, again thank u, Jody for this Video. <3
I am excited to try this, I do notice however that the s’s whistle often
especially the louder the volumn is. That worrys me. But Im a new
subscriber and am so hopeful about trying meditation more.
this lady brought me throught a breakdown I listen to this over and over
again didn’t go out for 2 month now driving again thanks
well done and relaxing, Helps me sleep right. Thank you much…
hey ,if anyone else needs to find out about #Cure Sleep Apnea# try #Kane
Sleep Well Guide# (just google it ) ? Ive heard some extraordinary things
about it and my co-worker got cool results with it.
I’ve been reading the comments about this video. I certainly will try it
tonight. I’m a full-time student, and the stress of that plus other things
in my life gets to me to a point that I cannot sleep at night. I’m praying
that this video will help! :)
Depression is a terrible thing and affects most of us at some point in our
lives. This lady is a blessing..without preaching or judgement … Just
kindness, compassion and support through the darkness. Thank you x
I love this video. I think the best way to listen to it is on a device with
70% battery so it can run out in the middle of the night, and not wake you
These videos are fantastic. I suffer from Parkinsons and was having great
difficulty sleeping, having anxiety attacks at night and was scared of
going to bed. Since I have started listening to these videos my sleeping
has improved immeasurably and I actually look forward to going to bed. I
find it easy to relax and although I wake up during the night the sound of
her voice soon puts me back to sleep. THANYOU JODY
your loud add after 6 hours blew it!!!!!!!!!!!!! now it’s 4:00am and I
can’t sleep
This is relaxing and helps the mind focus!
Thank you
The voice is so creepy!!! this would give me nightmares
I have been using your recordings for a few months and I must say I am a
much happier person thank you
This is hard to do with anxiety. I’m trying it for the second time,
tonight. This time it will work!
thanks a lot Jody………you’ve helped me alot
I listen to this every night makes me feel better and helps me sleep.
Thanks for the videos
I think your voice is perfect for the messages you are relaying, people
should not get so distracted by such petty issues.
I think you sound great Jody. This has brought me some of the soundest
sleep I’ve ever experiences. Thank you!!
Thank You I need this
I was enjoying this until at 2 AM when I randomly went out into my lawn and
beat a homeless man to death with my shoe. Thanks, Jody.
Does anyone know where I can find more depression and/or anxiety sleep
hypnosis? All I can find is this one and the two-hour version.
I hope this helps i’v been realy down for a long time
I didn’t cover this in the video, but for you guys suggesting a vacation or
a break. One does not simply take a break from youtube. Not unless you’ve
made prior arrangements and extra video to fill the gap. The numbers game
is very very real and the dip from taking a real break can cause a lot more
stress than the time off relieves.
Thanks for the support guys! It does mean a lot!
Don’t worry about any negative comments down here. We knew there would be
But seriously thanks a lot.
Ha I’m not quitting. If you miss the message I’m trying to get across is
that I was already depressed and the magical world of youtube didn’t help,
it got worse. I explain what its really like on our side and maybe it’ll
help you guys to understand and appreciate your favorite YouTubers more.
You have very nice teeth.
Thing is you don’t even need to be (anywhere near) big on youtube to feel
this way.
What a lot of people don’t understand is depression is a chemical imbalance
or lack of the chemical in your brain that makes you feel happy. So it
isn’t exactly something you can just get over or get rid of. You have to
roll with the punches and do your best to put a smile on your face. As
someone with depression, I can totally understand how you’re feeling. I
often go to youtube to try and distract myself and to get a laugh out of
the day because if I don’t, I feel like a bit of my happiness dies. It’s
such a hard thing to put up with each day. You are strong enough to fight
it Ken. When you have depression you can tell when someone else has
depression by the look in their eyes. It’s weird and most won’t understand,
but there’s an emptiness there. I see that in your eyes, as well as many
others. However, there’s also a strength that most don’t have. You’re
strong Ken. So hang in there, sorry for how long this comment is. Stay
toasty my friend. I hope you see this.
You made this video just before I started my channel so I managed to miss
it. I see that sadness in you sometimes and sometimes I experience it
myself – as exciting as youtube is and as much as I love what I do,
sometimes the people get you down and there’s not much you can do because
you can’t ignore them – your job is to provide entertainment. I just wanted
to reach out and say thanks for posting this, it shows extreme courage on
your end and I really respect you for it.
I know this is an older video, but thank you. Thank you for making this
video. I don’t make YouTube videos, but I completely get what you’re
saying. I struggle with depression as well and compare myself to everyone
else and tend to think I am not doing as well as I should, or haven’t
succeeded in life. Sometimes it’s just nice to know other people struggle
too…that I’m not alone. You are my favorite YouTuber and this video made
me like you even more. Thanks for just being honest and I hope you are able
to feel happier every day :)
Ken you’re a great youtuber. You have your own spin on things and it’s that
uniqueness that makes your channel special. Having battled back from
depression myself and nearly giving up on myself on multiple occasions I
can say while I respected you for what you do before I saw this, I have so
much more for you now. Talking about depression isn’t easy, let alone
explaining why you have it. I wish you nothing but the best and hope your
channel continues to grow and take off even more.
Ok, yes my comment is really late. Like really, really late >_>
But, I just really wanted to say some things. (They’re not hateful things)
I put this video in my favorites so I could watch it whenever. It’s nice to
know that someone feels the same way no matter who it is or how old/young
they are. I’ve had severe depression my whole life and some days I feel
like I’m all alone. I mean, I know there are other people out there that
feel like this but to know that a lot of my favorite youtubers feel like
this makes me feel like I’m not alone in this battle.
I love this video, maybe more than any of his other videos, it made me
actually cry. I haven’t cried in forever! It’s really hard for me to let my
emotions out because, everyday I’m faking my smile and my laugh just for my
friends and family.
Sure, I go to therapy but it doesn’t mean I’m happy. I don’t have anti
depressants and my mom has to get money from my grandpa to pay for my
And it’s not like you can just talk to someone for an hour and your
depression just disappeared, it takes time. Lots and lots of time. I say
that mean comments and haters mean nothing to me and that they just want
attention, but no matter how tough I say I am it’s not true most of the
time. It still gets to me, I should be used to it because I’ve grown up
hearing these mean things, either to me or my friends. But truth is, i’m
not used to it and i’m not as strong as I say I am. But I want you to see
me as a strong girl who can take care of herself.
I don’t want to type anymore because it’s 5 am and i’m tired, not really
but you get the point. I guess ;-;
As a viewer, I’ve been off of youtube for a while. Watching gaming videos
helped me with depression, loneliness and confusion for a while but also
contributed to my problem of staying in bed all day and watching and
relying on youtubers videos for comfort. I’m sure this is the case with
many people.
I can honestly say that I’m a well liked individual and well known, but as
of now I stick to a lower known group of people who I know now as my close
Obviously, playing video games all day is not going to get someone very
popular. Even though that was what I spent the majority of my time doing
after I was forced to quit football for multiple concussions.
All that aside. I’ve never seen your channel. I stumbled upon it because I
needed a youtuber who was genuine in their purpose for making videos. Your
purpose on YouTube may not be to help people with depression but I know for
sure a vast majority of your viewers can relate to your feelings of
emptiness. Fake people. No real connection. It all adds up to things that
just get old and the only genuine voice left in your life is your own.
I haven’t even watched one of your videos yet but this one is hell of a
start. Enjoy the little things.
I don’t really have any place to give you any advice but what I do know is
that faking it will get old.
I cried a little T^T
I actually like when more than one of my favourite YouTubers play the same
game… It gives a bit more variety, you know?
And I almost cried when I watched this. I know that this is like, months
old, but I feel your pain. I don’t have big numbers on my channel, but I
can feel how bad you’re feeling.
I wish you the best, Ken~ I may have found your channel because of Pewds
and Cry, but the reason that I stay is all you, friend. You’re awesome.
Hey Ken, really liked this video! I honestly don’t watch a lot of your
others, in fact I am a huge fan of The BroKen Podcast because you talk more
like you do in this video!
I just wanted to add some more food for thought in that I believe that
YouTube attracts people who are depressed or having similar problems. I
know I have seen countless ‘Draw My Life’ videos and it seems that a lot of
people have had it rough, which makes me think that perhaps YouTube is a
good outlet for creativity when something is bringing you down to the point
where you can’t really leave the house.
What else can you do really? You watch all these awesome people who are so
easy to relate to (such as you) and seem to have similar problems and are
making a living off of making cool content, it makes you want to have a go!
It inspires people to actually do something productive rather than just
dwell on the negative.
I know that may seem weird and I’m definitely not saying every popular
YouTuber has a sob story but I know for me at least that watching YouTubers
has made me want to at least have a go at it. I wouldn’t say I’m depressed
but I’m definitely not happy with my life and for some strange reason when
I watch and make videos, even though not many people watch them, it makes
me feel better.
Anyway, keep up the good work dude! Also do more podcasts please!
- L
A german youtuber showed this video and that’s why I’m here. You seem to be
very honest even with this “negative” site most people (including the
youtuber itself) try to avoid at all cost. As a “star” as you are
(referring to the number of subscribers) you experience the classical
depression plus your depressions you used to have. On the one site you
can’t stand that this is just a number-game and on the other site you are
unable to have a break becasue there is fear of losing your fame or the
wave you are riding on. And it is all a big illusion and you know that.
Pewdiepie says bros to his subscribers and this is okay as long as his bros
don’t show up at his house. Most viwers are not your friends, why should
they? What I’m trying to say: Every star creates the illusiuon that he has
the qualities other searching for. He is cool. attractive, famous (which is
a self-fulfilling prohecy paradoxically), always in a good mood. A fan is
the absolutely right shortcut for fanatic and fanatics tend to just see one
aspect of a celebrity. But the star cannot show his whole aspect he cannot
be authentical. There huge expectations and the star has huge
So you put yourself in a trap believing that when you are wealthy, “do what
you want” and be famous makes everything perfect. It will satisfy you for a
while. You have more than other so you should be have more happiness,
right? No, because happiness is not something you cann acumulate. We almost
all forget that nothing (no thing) ever will satisfy you because you
yourself always wants more. And everything is only limited in space and
time. Your biggest fear is to lose all of what you possess becasue what are
you without it? What will others think of you? Then you are a nobody and no
one listens to you. What if the loved ones leaving you for reason you can’t
imagine and control (death, no love anymore etc.)? We are so deeply
conditioned and we all keep on conditioning ourselfs all day long that this
has to be the way it is. We all have to claim something, defend it and
build our identity on a function we have. Wars started becasue of this
Conditioning. At the point of maing an identity out of a function
attachment and obsession starts, also the pressure to not be successful and
to “lose” it. And instead of facing these fears we all do “more” of the
activities leading to the state of pressure, stress and depression or just
to do something to avoid this.
Let’s be honest we all love this big game and are not willing to admit that
there cannot be light without shadow.
The so called “freedom” based on youtube is a kind of a ponzi sheme.
Because several thousands others supporting one person, secretly dreaming
to be such person some day. Like someone becomes a millionaire in selling
others the secret how to be one.. Not that you do this consciously but it
is part of your success.
Face the sadness, face the fear. You cannot found it outside, nor in your
mind. You mentioned the lazyness. Most youtubers (including me) are some
kind of mental junkies. Everyday they need their dose of emotional video to
feel healthy. We are all living in an addiction to a collective mind.
Depressions will arise more and more because we are not able to deal with
the ever present buzz of this huge illusional world giving us every moving
image we project.
Your vid sure is one step to deal with it, so thank you.
After a while, you get used to the fake smiles. It’s simply the ugly truth.
I’m used to going to school, making people think I’m happy. It’s just all a
lie. To the people that knows I have depression, they tell me it gets
better. It does for some people, but not for me. It’s just not the same. I
come home and shut the door. I go on YouTube, hoping that my favorite
youtuber made a video because he always made me smile.
Sometimes, you wish that you were okay. Not perfect, but okay.
You’ve been a major help in getting me through a snag in my relationship
right now. I am doing a research paper on social media and the effects. I
was originally watching to gather information about depression with
youtubers and such… but as i watched, it felt as if you spoke to me and
my situation. Things are tough, but they can get better. After i watched
this video, i called my girlfriend and we spoke heart to heart and things
have been starting to look better. You said to thank a youtuber who has
helped me though a tough time and i am thanking you Ken. I appreciate it a
You should read a self help book like ethics of our fathers.Maybe you will
get an idea to help ger rid of your depression that will work for you. You
may also want to try an create a goal for yourself like raise money for a
good campaign to get rid of cancer like bill gates.
Ken feel better it can be hard.
i don’t think that the “what do you want from me?” mentality is confined to
youtube :x
I’ve never seen you before, I’m a new YouTuber, and I really understand
what you mean. I wish you all the best, feel better soon. Congratulations
on a million!
Thank you so very much Ken for this insightful and revealing video. I have
Major Depressive disorder and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It has
mutilated a lot of potential in my life. Fortunately I have never gotten to
the point that many other sufferers have, a few of which I have known
personally. As a kid I required a lot of attention because my mother had
Schizophrenia and was unable to provide a nurturing environment. So, I used
to be the class clown all through school to get that attention, and as I
got older it turned into destructive and negative behavior to get
attention. Although I haven’t gotten into any legal trouble, I was the bane
of bosses and co-workers. Depression removes images from the video that
plays in my head called ” Jayz future”. Those images removed are ones of
what I be as an adult profession-wise, relationship-wise and general images
of happiness and success. After having no job for over a year, I finally
got work the other day at Target cleaning the store in the morning via
Vocational Rehabilitation here in NH. Although I don’t interact with any
customers, the stress of performing for other people and feeling content
with it is 95% IMPOSSIBLE to deal with. After two shifts, my boss has had
to restructure my shifts in accordance to recommendations from my case
worker fro VR. Thankfully I have a case worker because I almost got at
least suspended this morning after I lost control of my emotions.
Depression is a sonofabitch bastard thief making it so damned hard to get
through ONE DAY. Thanks again Ken.
Thank you, Ken.
…for everything you’ve done for us. For what it’s
Whether it’s across the room or across town… Please try
We all love you. Stay toasty, Ken.
worth, I know what you’re going through. I have a request, if I may… go
for a walk.
it. Just get up and go, and while you’re walking, let your mind wander.
Think about where you’ve been, where you’re going, and as odd as this
sounds… Think happy thoughts.
I remember when I watched the video where Pewds announced you as a winner
of the Amnesia playthrough competition, and it’s kind of sad that the
increase in popularity after that could also change how YouTube feels for
you so drastically. Like you said, the numbers became a lot more important.
I could never pursue a YouTube career like that, despite any rewards tied
to it. Hope you find the right balance Ken :(
Gotta stay toasty Ken, you rock.
You are so real!!!! Its amazing!! People are super facial regardless you
are successful or not, may be in school, at work, or may be because you are
cute, people always want something, then I tell myself may be I think this
way cause I am depressed.